Auto-programming smart pumps to help nurses

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Checking the 5 “rights” of infusion therapy safety has been nurses’ responsibility since the beginning of IV administrations in healthcare. Verifying that the right medication is delivered to the right patient at the right dose or rate of delivery at the right time using the prescribed route has evolved from remembering and administering verbal orders to following paper processes; now, electronic medical records are the central component used to support nurses in this complex task. iatricSystems’ Accelero Connect® successfully transmits the IV order from the EHR to infusion pumps to automate these processes and aid nurses in organizing infusions and verifying these patient safety checks. This podcast discusses how iatricSystems and the Ivenix Infusion System complement each other in auto-programming and auto-documenting infusions.
Learn more about:
The complexity of programming legacy pumps and how it can lead to errors
Accelero Connect® and how it has successfully integrated hospitals with infusion pump auto-programming and auto-documentation
How Accelero Connect smart pump integration can save nurses time and offer tools for monitoring compliance
Ways in which the Ivenix Infusion System is designed to address usability issues to help nurses in the five rights of patient safety verification process
References: 1. Giuliano KK. Intravenous smart pumps: usability issues, intravenous medication administration error, and patient safety. Crit Care Nurs Clin N Am. 2018;30:215–224. 2. K183311 Clearance Letter 7 June 2019. 3. Suess TM, et al. Smart pump-electronic health record (EHR) interoperability with auto-documentation is associated with increased submission of infusion-therapy billing claims at a community hospital. Pharmacoecon Open. 2019;3:619–629.