Bernie Monegain

Bernie Monegain is the former Editor-At-Large for Healthcare IT News and Women in Health IT.
Bernie Monegain
09:17 am
December 19, 2013
Rebecca Coelius, MD, ONC's Medical Officer for Innovations, talks with Bernie Monegain about how ONC defines innovation and is driving advancements in areas such as Blue Button and standards of interoperability.
Bernie Monegain
03:36 pm
December 05, 2013
C. Martin Harris, MD, MBA, talks about recent achievements and challenges as CIO of Cleveland Clinic and how the large organization continues to innovate.
Bernie Monegain
02:11 pm
October 31, 2013
David Levin, MD, CMIO at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, discusses the challenges with meaningful use, data exchanges and the lack of "human factor" in health IT.
Bernie Monegain
10:44 am
October 09, 2013
Carla Smith, executive vice president of HIMSS, shares the organization's hopes for the newly-opened HIMSS Innovation Center in Cleveland, and explains what it could mean for the future of the healthcare industry.
Bernie Monegain
08:55 am
July 18, 2013
We're in the middle of a long, 50-year cycle of telemedicine, says incoming ATA president Edward Brown, MD, CEO of Ontario Telemedicine Network.
Bernie Monegain
03:34 pm
June 27, 2013
Ali, chair of the mHIMSS Roadmap Task Force, compares our modern mHealth momentum to the tech boom of the 1990s and talks about how the mHIMSS Roadmap will help providers, payers and other healthcare stakeholders understand the opportunities presented by mHealth.
Bernie Monegain
02:25 pm
February 21, 2013
Joseph Kvedar, MD, founder and director of the Center for Connected Health, talks with Bernie Monegain about the Center's mobile health plans and describes the concept of "Wellocracy."
Bernie Monegain
02:17 pm
February 21, 2013
Lawrence Losey, MD, talks about his role as CMIO at Parkview Adventist Medical Center in Brunswick, Maine.
Bernie Monegain
08:44 am
January 17, 2013
Bill McQuaid, CIO of Parkview Adventist Medical Center in Brunswick, Maine, discusses Parkview's health IT accomplishments and preparations for meaningful use Stage 2 with Bernie Monegain, Editor of Healthcare IT News.
Bernie Monegain
09:42 am
January 02, 2013
Bernie Monegain talks with Paul Kleeberg, MD, CMIO of Stratis Health at the 2012 mHealth Summit.
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