Connected Health
The telemedicine tech vendor is betting the ubiquitous Microsoft systems will enable a more robust, secure and scalable collaboration platform.
The new app mimics the Uber set-up, with certified interpreters standing by to come to a hospital and help interpret languages between caregivers and patients.
The company will also tout a new data recovery partnership with Amazon Web Services, the CEO said.
The digital tool makes it easy for people to add a new device to their home – or clinic – Wi-Fi network.
Hackensack University Medical Center is tapping new technologies to achieve more effective medication adherence, according to Hackensack UMC’s director of pharmacy Nilesh Desai.
Lantern, a San Francisco-based startup, with 17 employees, is working with UPMC Enterprises, the commercialization arm of the Pittsburgh-based healthcare giant, to further develop the company’s online mental health wellness services and products.
Healthcare IT News and HIMSS are accepting topic and speaker proposals for the Pop Health Forum
Patricia Mechael has been appointed executive vice president, Personal Connected Health Alliance at HIMSS, effective April 15, HIMSS President and CEO Steve Lieber announced on Thursday.
Dell has signed on as an industry collaborator of HIMSS Innovation Center, joining other major health IT players at the 30,000-square-foot testing and exhibition facility in Cleveland.
Several major health insurers are part of a coalition that is promoting texting as a way to keep expectant women, new moms and their babies healthy.