Jack Beaudoin

Jack Beaudoin was a co-founder of Healthcare IT News and its first editor. From 2003 to 2013 he served as president and CEO of MedTech Media, overseeing the transition to HIMSS Media.
Jack Beaudoin
12:35 pm
July 28, 2015
The Bipartisan Policy Center has issued a set of recommendations to Congress it says will speed up medical cures and innovation. Central to its recommendations is the use of healthcare IT for post-approval studies.
Jack Beaudoin
08:03 am
April 01, 2015
Whether this is your first or your 15th HIMSS show, the sheer size of the event can derail even the best laid plans. A conference veteran shares advice about making it through HIMSS15 intact.
Jack Beaudoin
10:03 am
March 17, 2015
A bipartisan think tank is calling on Congress to let the Food and Drug Administration use EHRs and crowd-sourced patient experience data to help transform the drug and medical device approval process.
Jack Beaudoin
03:03 pm
August 27, 2014
Last month, I reported on preliminary findings from Healthgrades and HIMSS Analytics showing that more sophisticated deployments of electronic medical records had a statistically significant impact on patient outcomes in U.S. hospitals.
Jack Beaudoin
11:11 am
August 04, 2014
For at least the last decade, the health IT field has seen a scholarly back-and-forth on the effectiveness of electronic medical records.
Jack Beaudoin
07:57 am
July 29, 2014
Bringing together information from all U.S. hospitals, a new data set suggests that electronic health records can, in fact, have a measurable and positive impact on clinical outcomes of risk-adjusted mortality rates.
Jack Beaudoin
07:58 am
July 28, 2014
For at least the last decade, the health IT field has seen a scholarly back-and-forth on the effectiveness of electronic medical records. As soon as one study is published that finds technology has little impact on patient outcomes, another emerges that seems to show just the opposite. But, today, more accurate information is emerging.
Jack Beaudoin
02:47 pm
May 29, 2014
For-profit healthcare is as old as the medical profession itself, but for-profit hospitals constitute just 20 percent of the hospital market in the United States.
Jack Beaudoin
07:30 am
April 30, 2014
Some analysts are predicting the next "great wave" in EHR purchasing among U.S. hospitals to be just around the corner. But do the numbers really bear that out?
Jack Beaudoin
01:00 am
April 18, 2014
Two research firms in the healthcare IT space have produced press releases in the last fortnight predicting the next “great wave” in EHR purchases among U.S. hospitals.
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