Kelly Mehler

Kelly Mehler is the Marketing Program Coordinator and former Social Media Producer for Healthcare IT News.
Kelly Mehler
04:04 pm
May 30, 2012
HIMSS hosted a live Twitter chat with former U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra. From topics such as health IT policy to meaningful use, the conversation was an introduction to themes that will be discussed at the Government Health IT Conference and Exhibition (#GHIT12) taking place June 11-12 in Washington.
Kelly Mehler
10:34 am
May 17, 2012
At the Connecting Healthcare + Social Media Conference, Lee Aase, director of the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, and Farris Timimi, Medical Director for the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, shared stories and expertise on the ways social media can impact the moral imperative of healthcare.
Kelly Mehler
08:44 am
April 20, 2012
Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is attacking President Obama over healthcare again, this time making claims based on something she says Obama muttered under his breath. Citizens are divided.
Kelly Mehler
12:40 pm
February 23, 2012
This Thursday, Farzad Mostashari, MD, national coordinator for health information technology, gave his keynote address to HIMSS12 attendees. From the implementation of EHRs to achieving innovation, here is a Twitter recap of the event.
Kelly Mehler
06:10 pm
February 22, 2012
In Wednesday's HIT X.0 session at HIMSS12, Dr. Christopher Wasden, managing director of PricewaterhouseCoopers, explained how to get your practice on board with mhealth techniques. Here is a Twitter recap of the session.
Kelly Mehler
12:50 pm
February 21, 2012
Tuesday's HIMSS12 Keynote was given by Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter. Social media is certainly a hot topic at HIMSS12, and Stone explained ways we can refine communication in our businesses. Here's a Twitter recap of the event.
Kelly Mehler
10:45 am
February 21, 2012
Eric Dishman, Intel Fellow and director of health innovation and policy for Intel, spoke Tuesday morning at the Intel Executive Breakfast at HIMSS12. Here is a Twitter recap of the presentation.
Kelly Mehler
10:58 am
February 17, 2012
The Healthcare IT News social media community had plenty to say when Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum opined this past January that he rejects the notion “that people die in America because of lack of health insurance.”
Kelly Mehler
01:09 pm
February 01, 2012
With even more seniors than Florida, the Pine Tree State's Medicaid woes threaten health insurance coverage for as many as 65,000 citizens, not all of them retirees, either.
Kelly Mehler
01:26 pm
May 04, 2011
The first real-time test of protocols for managing the prescription-dispensation process took place during the 11th annual IHE European Connectathon held in Pisa, Italy in April. These settings are now the new international communication standards to the pharmacy field.
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