Mike Miliard

Mike Miliard is Executive Editor of Healthcare IT News. He focuses on topics such as interoperability, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, analytics, population health and patient experience and is responsible for overall coverage decisions.
Mike Miliard
09:53 am
January 26, 2015
Oct. 1, 2015, is a lot closer than you might think. Before the ICD-10 deadline arrives, there are some important items on any healthcare organization's to-do list.
Mike Miliard
05:02 pm
December 12, 2014
The mood was hopeful as 2014 dawned. "This is the year," said Robert Tagalicod, director of CMS' Office of E-Health Standards and Services, speaking in February as the industry prepared to kick-off Stage 2 meaningful use attestations.
Mike Miliard
10:59 am
December 08, 2014
For all the benefits health information technology can have on the quality of patient care, IT systems and medical devices, when improperly or sub-optimally used, can pose serious hazards for patient safety.
Mike Miliard
10:44 am
November 19, 2014
So you've done due diligence, made deliberate purchasing decisions, and -- thanks to smart planning and strategic teamwork -- your rollout was near-flawless. Congratulations. You're the proud owner of an electronic health record system.
Mike Miliard
10:59 am
May 27, 2014
As the healthcare industry strives toward interoperability and care coordination, it's worth reminding ourselves just how critical technology can be in extraordinary circumstances.
Mike Miliard
05:00 am
January 08, 2014
As Healthcare IT News celebrates its 10th anniversary, we look back on the words of movers and shakers -- from U.S. presidents to hospital CIOs -- whose vision and leadership have helped shape an industry.
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