Craig Settles

Saved from a stroke by telehealth, Craig Settles pays it forward by uniting community broadband teams and healthcare stakeholders through telehealth-broadband integration initiatives. Follow him on Twitter @cjsettles101
Craig Settles
01:26 pm
June 30, 2023
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is funding new efforts to help counties and municipalities build high-speed broadband networks. Here's what that could mean for telehealth, as more funding enables new opportunities for care.
Craig Settles
09:33 am
November 22, 2022
The FCC established the Affordable Connectivity Program in December 2021 to provide access and subsidized computing devices. It's free to enroll in ACP, but too few people are taking advantage.
Craig Settles
06:20 pm
January 10, 2022
Before disasters, such as tornadoes or wildfires, communities should consider designating municipal buildings as "generator and telehealth zones," where equipment and virtual-care kiosks can be moved.
Craig Settles
10:31 am
December 13, 2021
Delivering virtual care via community broadband offers big financial and quality-of-life benefits, says our contributing writer, opening avenues to both digital equity and health equity.
Craig Settles
05:16 pm
November 18, 2021
The fate of virtual care adoption is tied to the fate of broadband expansion.
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